Effective Date: 14-Oct-2023
Last Updated: 20-Jan-2024

This page provides information about the activity of this website, its purpose, what information is used and the rights and obligations of the provider and users.

Legal responsibility for this website

Identity of the party responsible: PetTechSolutions

Trade name: PetTechSolutions

Address: Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE1, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

E-mail address: contact@pettechsolutions.net

These General Conditions regulate the use (including mere access) of the web pages comprising this website, including the contents and services made available therein.

Any person (“User”) who accesses the portal accepts to be subject to the General Conditions in force at any time when accessing this website.

Pet Tech Solutions reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the portal as well as these General Conditions.

Commitments and obligations of users

The User is informed and accepts that access to this website does not in any way imply the start of a commercial relationship with PetTechSolutions. In this way, the User undertakes to use the website, its services and contents without contravening current legislation, good faith and public order.

It is forbidden to use the website for illicit or harmful purposes, or in any way that may cause damage or impede the normal operation of the website. With respect to the contents of this website, it is prohibited:

– Reproduction, distribution or modification, in whole or in part, unless authorised by PetTechSolutions as the legitimate owner;

– Any infringement of the rights of the provider or of PetTechSolutions as legitimate owner;

– Its use for commercial or advertising purposes.

In using the website, the User undertakes not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of PetTechSolutions or third parties or that could damage, render useless or overload the portal or prevent, in any way, the normal use of the website.

However, the User must be aware that the security measures of computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and cannot guarantee the non-existence of malware or other elements that may cause alterations in the User’s computer systems (software and hardware) or in their electronic documents and files contained therein, although Pet Tech Solutions uses all necessary means and appropriate security measures to avoid the presence of these harmful elements.

Affiliate links, sponsored ads and advertising

This website offers users sponsored content, advertisements and/or affiliate links.

As a web portal affiliated with online sales platforms, information on third party products is offered. Customers are not and do not become, by virtue of this website’s participation in such affiliate programmes, customers of PetTechSolutions.

As a website affiliated with online sales platforms, it does not handle orders, contacts or incidents relating to purchases made through its affiliate links.

All prices, terms of sale, rules, policies and operating procedures relating to customer orders, customer service and product sales contained in the online sales platforms may be changed at any time and shall apply equally to its customers.

PetTechSolutions is not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors that may be contained in the affiliate links or advertisements, nor does it guarantee in any way the quality of the products of the online sales platforms to which it is affiliated. Neither is it responsible in any case for the results that may be derived by the User from accessing these links.

Any contractual or extra-contractual relationship that the User enters into with advertisers or third parties contacted through this portal is understood to be solely and exclusively between the User and the advertiser and/or third party.

The User knows and accepts that he/she is only acting as a channel or advertising medium and that he/she shall not be held liable for any damages of any kind caused by his/her negotiations, conversations and/or contractual or extra-contractual relations with advertisers or third parties contacted through this portal.

Information provided on sites accessed through affiliate links is subject to the privacy policies used on those sites and is not subject to the privacy policy of this website.

To read our disclosure about Amazon Associates, please see here.

Comments on articles

Users will be able to post comments on those articles that allow it. The personal data entered in the form to insert these comments will be used exclusively to moderate, publish and respond to them.

PetTechSolutions is not responsible for the opinions expressed by third parties on the blog, and reserves the right to delete any comments that may be offensive, inappropriate or denigrating.

It also reserves the right to block and prevent future comments from the authors of such comments.

Browsing and IP

When browsing the blog, participating through comments on the articles, as well as when using the contact form, the IP address of your computer is recorded. This data will only be used for visitor statistics.


The contents of this website are forbidden:

– Reproduction, distribution or modification, in whole or in part, without the express authorisation of PetTechSolutions.

– Any infringement of the rights of the provider or of the legitimate owners.

– Its use for commercial or advertising purposes

The contents published on this website’s blog are for information purposes only. Under no circumstances do they constitute legal advice. To obtain legal advice, please contact a lawyer you trust.

Plagiarism of content is an infringement of copyright. If you wish to use any of the content published here, you must have the express authorisation of PetTechSolutions.

Use and access by Users

The User is informed and accepts that access to this website does not in any way imply the start of a commercial relationship with PetTechSolutions.

It is forbidden to use the website for illicit or harmful purposes, or in any way that may cause damage or impede the normal functioning of the website.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

By means of these General Conditions, no intellectual or industrial property rights are transferred over the portal or any of its integral elements, and users are expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly communicating, making available to the public, extracting, reusing, resending or using any of them in any way, by any means or procedure, except in cases where this is legally permitted or authorised by the owner of the corresponding rights.


This website is copyright PetTechSolutions and all rights reserved. If you want to use any of its texts or images you can request it through the contact form.

If by mistake any element has been introduced on this website that is subject to copyright, the User can write to the contact form attaching proof of copyright and after verifying the data will be removed as a matter of priority, or at your choice, the work will be credited.

Contact Addresses

Should any User have any questions about these General Terms and Conditions or any comments about the PetTechSolutions website, please use the contact form.